Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Life in Aus ^^

This post is NOT about my life in Aus but rather Vic's first few months over there where grass is greener and the moon is rounder wtf I happened to "discover" these left over pics in my current phone (a.k.a Vic's old phone) and Picasa-ed them using y creativity =] I may not be creating "wonder" yet but at least I'm giving my precious pictures a new face :)

A picture of Han which I b&wkan & highlight on the face color only =)

Same effect use for rice here, tee hee~

This I suppose is...curry chicken???

Car 1

A cow hanging on top of the tree.

Some random display on the street I suppose...


Mini Mart

Sea view

Car 2

Car 3

Car 4

Car 5

Car 6

So baby, life ain't a bed of roses.  Live life as it goes and give your best for there's no take 2 in life =D Work hard, play hard and pray hard!

I'll end this post with a "chan" pic of myself :D

B&w to hide the "chan-ness" hahahahahhaha~

Bye =]


DoriftoNeko said...

your photo editing skills is improving

what does my name mean said...

hi wats your myspace page