Well..i'm not a writer...not a professional blogger also but at least i know what title to put =)

It was raining on the day we left.I should be in bed ok!Why am i torturing myself like this?Anyway,it turns out to be a very enjoyable trip.At least I'm not rotting at home,facing the pc,msn again,lame.Ok,let's get serious.
6.45am: Reached Han Chiang. Met up with CL & Hooi.Then we headed to Dato's hse.
7.00am: Reached Dato's hse. Waited for Dato to gosok gigi & get ready.
7.15am: The journey to the South started.wtf.

One of the rest place.Bukit Merah if i'm not wrong.

The driver.Frank the punisher.Goku Hooi.

The damn sleepy leng lui.K..i know my hair's lk shit..dunit to remind me again..bad hair day:(

"I still love Gan"
He was trying to distract me frm taking his pics...lala~I'm professional ok..I cn even took his nude pic d..

CL reading nwsp..no eye see...

Dato Cheah sleeping soundly. He's a very nice man actually..kinda start admiring him d...i shall blog about his books in the next post.

My reflection

DatoCheah, the busy man. His phone kept ringing along the way=.="..

The pathway at Ulu Bernam r&r..jz took the pic cuz it's unique right?

i like to syiok sendiri so ignore me.Well...photos are memories in printing worth to be kept ok!wtf Btw..this was in One World Hotel's toilet.

Lunch at 1 Utama.

We ordered "family set" hahaha~

Our destination.

Now,all stations are under 1 roof d...

limpeh eh entrance tag


the studio cum editing room

the logo

the notable speaker

the 38 gal

ok,dont juge,dun ask,dun comment.fake.

On the way back,at Ipoh.

Ngar choi kai...what is so nice abt taugeh and chicken?

Dato looked so serious..haha~he was really hungry i guess..

Nono...the 4 of use were really hungry!!!!
Well..i'm not a writer...not a professional blogger also but at least i know what title to put =)hmmm.... i believe i heard something kinda similar somewhere :(
u bully me
.......suak...next time u go psr mlm alone...go eat peri peri alone.....
nono don't like that, next time i buy more bak uan's for u ok and sushi on me also ok
u sounded like i'm bullying u.wtf
nope i did not say that your bullying me
y arent u on9 liew ji qi!!!!~I dun12curse:D
i'm on9 now......
i hate u i hate u i hate u!u say i playgal!i hate u!
sorry sorry sorry my bad my bad, i'll make it up to u i promised
Nyuuu..onee-chan..how are you lately..long time didnt heard from you d..>_<
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