This is crazy u know!My mum wil kill me if i modify my MyVi..hehe...

Will update more on this when Howard pas me the pictures.
Coming back to my cute drifter,he is so funny.I was abt to leave when he stopped me.I tot apa hal penting.Mana tahu he asked:
Victor a.k.a Drifter: Hey Joy,r u still single?
Limpeh: Well...is that important?
Victor: *senyum sambil garu kepala*
Limpeh: No..I'm not.
Victor: *dengan cepatnya shake my hand* In that case,nice to meet u and happy to be ur friend!
Limpeh:Nice to meet u and happy to be ur fren too..btw,i was joking.
Victor: *fikir 5 saat to tafsir my meaning* Then, can i have ur number?
Limpeh: Can i hv urs instead?
The process of exchanging number started.
Limpeh: Btw,r u single too?
Victor: Yes..have been single for 23 years.
Victor:I'll call you soon.Sorry,i'm not good at talking with gals.
Limpeh:But u r a gud drifter=)
Victor: No..there are so many drifters out there better than me..
the conversation ended after a while cuz i very sleepy and tired d.........
the open day at HCC was fun indeed
yup!You are awesome Vic!
nah, there are alot that are much much more better then me out there
mai kesi-kesi ai wa praise u again............
not want u praise me, its the truth
Quick,update ur blog!i wanna read!U pumping d?Wash ur car d?
pump d, but haven't wash car
yalar yalar yalar~blame it on the weather..the moon..w-t-f..oopsssss........
haha, u curse again
the-stop-cursing game shall start very soon.let me think...yeahyeah!~
so when u wanna start the stop cursing game just let me know
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