This is Dewa Hari Jadi wtf Made from icing and cream you cute was on my grandma's birthday cake one but after the dinner dunno why the waiter asked me,"Miss,you wanna keep this?"SO ok lor...he put it in a box for me and now the Dewa Hari Jadi bersemadi peacefully in my fridge.

Ini pulak icing from my grandma last year birthday.Also in my fridge.Pity the nenek tua cuz my mum put it in a stainless still bowl and just abandon it in the fridge and when i was taking this pic,i tried to pull it out but confirm,100% confirm the nenek tua backside stick to the bowl d.

Muahahaha~my supper the other day..since Adventist bakery is soooooo near to my house,i cn almost just walk over everyday to satisfy my craving for SWEETTTTTTTT pastries!I adore sweet stuffs u know!But not gula2..dunno y...gula2 is for kids eh.Limpeh is adult.

No description.Just wanna post my koleksi of botol kicap cap bayi.

These are dried (or preserved) abalone which my grandma bought from China..until now,my mum still doesnt know how to cook it..When i wanna putin my Maggie mee,she say kenot masak like that.I ask her to masak she say dunno how to masak.At least let me try ma!So hard to cook meh!Put mee in,put water,put abalone,stir stir stir,tutup kuali,wait 10 minutes ma can eat lo!Pandai cakap saja...if i masak my kitchen guarantee explode mia@@

Well..the best of all will still be ice creammmmmmmmm....creamy,yummy,milky,slurp!~But stupid expensive,4 mini cups RM 36++

i betul2 nak tidur.I swear i'm going to sleep.Swear!Swear leh!!!
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