The old Sunshine(situated abt 0.4km from the new sunshine) is offically being opened today at 12noon.I just dropped by to see what's new and was kinda disappointed cuz everything remain the same.But instead of Sunshine Hypermarket,it's now called Wholesale Centre a.k.a Pusat Borongan.Sound so weird...and it's like nightmarket style,can see people yelling here and time my mum can shop here d instead of Air Itam market.Btw,both Sunshine(s) are within walking distance from my house.

The Entrance.

The Sundries section

Lelong~lelong pisang~~ Btw, honeydew they sell for RM 1 each....superrrrrrr cheapppp but the size also superrrrr small.

This picture reminds me of The Store.Things sold in bulk.Ugly display.Mean promoters.I dont like.

The kanak-kanak section
End of story.Btw,dont be influence by my critically negative opinions.You should drop by to see for yourself.
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