Writing is not my forte but I find joy doing it! I might have just found my true calling! Spending hours on writing was never a task but rather a pleasurable moment that I look forward to everyday! I can just sit cross-legged on the floor with stack of papers & colour pens surrounding me, making sure they are accessible the minute I need them; just scribble then crumple the paper, throw it 45” to my left, scribble again then become dumb-struck when I finally realise that aging has really caught up with me. Often, I find it desperately hard to recall a particular word to express myself precisely the way I wanted to. Or maybe it’s the lack of reading that my limits my vocabulary.

I’ve started off blogging casually since 2006. Maybe all these years, writing has been my passion. Or it’s a talent that I never knew I had. The ignorance in me might be the factor that forbids me from nurturing it. Deep inside, I might be an aspiring writer but nah, that’s still too far a dream for me to chase. Rowling never gains public recognition until she’s 30+. But the issue here is not about popularity but more to having the chance & room to make a name for yourself & do something worthwhile in your life! I like the feeling of waking up everyday exceptionally motivated to do what I enjoy doing best!

Oh btw, I’ve left the organization that I’ve been working my ass off for the past 2 years & 2 months today, feeling excited and anticipate on what tomorrow will bring! Change, I believe at some point in life is needed regardless of it being good or bad. I’ll like to thank some really inspiring people who have guided and supported me all the time:- Principal, Ms Lee, KY Chin, Dr Tan, Winja, KKB, Josephine, Chum, and SKC. Thank you for making my journey at HCC a wonderful and an unforgettable one! And most importantly, for believing in me! Do make an effort to keep in touch, all right? Be it through FB, this blog, email, twitter, LinkedIn, etc. And don’t forget I’m just a phone call away as well! J
Theoretically, I’m “jobless” now, so what next?
p/s: Friends, I want to garner some precious votes here. My ex-colleague’s son is in a
Frisco baby contest, link over
here. He’s all you have wanted in a kid; bubbly, cheerful and adorable! So do me a favour by voting for him will you? Many thanks!
congratz for finally leaving *relief
whats with the baby voting thingy, I guess now days parents just want their kids to be famous or maybe they just can't wait to show of their kids *gay
I think it depends on how you look at it, like the baby contest one, it's a good exposure for the kids and to build their confidence. Eh eh eh, doesn't mean you were not an adorable kid, you can be jealous ok! :)
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