Friday, January 28, 2011


#1 Bakso Soup
A Malay dish served with bee hoon. Tasted exceptionally weird. Like chalk.

#2 My daily lunch mate
This fella is my daily lunch mate cum toilet mate cum pantry mate wtf I'd be so boring without him around because his expertise is to say funny things and make people laugh. His 2nd skill: burp non-stop after a heavy lunch!

#3 The drive home
Crazy heavy traffic can really claim whatever energy left after a hard day at work. This was taken on Monday. I was trying so hard to stay awake :(

#4 Salmon date with yours truly
What's more pitiful than having a dinner date - alone! But no worries, freshly-sliced salmon always save the day.

#5 Mexico sweet
I was never a fan of candy but this was good! Division head bought it back from Mexico. Really good! Can someone import it for me? wtf

#6 Guess where I was
Clue: A place you need to go and settle business no matter how busy you are daily..

#7 Datuk-Kong
Lunch box from datuk-kong's praying.

#8 Car-front-photo
Translate the subtitle into Mandarin and you will get what I mean -.-".. My employee card photo, ugly max -.-"...

#9 "Fattest" pay cheque ever
After making payments to my debtors, namely; GE, ING, PB, Maybank, Diners, PTPTN, etc etc etc with my dried-up savings, I practically left with this much (refer picture on the left) in possession! :(:(:(

I'm broke as hell :(

#10 Geek Couple
The night is not-so-young anymore so goodnight people! Goodnight love!

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