And it's no ordinary member * increase anxiousness*
Meet the Gecko *clap clap clap*

#1 I iz horrified, terrified & petrified beyond description. No joke. Full stop.
The moment my brother brought it back into the house, my heart raced so fast & for a second I thought I already peed in my pants by just starring at it T____T
It has green rough skin (like crocodile) with orange spots. Generally like most reptiles, it has really huge eyes; like snake (another horrible creature) T__________T
#2 "Hey Bryan Lim Phang Guan (Yours truly brother), you buy what *insert curse word* Gecko, scare until I shyte! >.<"
I was too afraid initially until I really hid under the blanket
Unfortunately, that's not the case. He bought it for RM 150. And now he's officially the proud owner of Tokay Gecko! *tears flowing profusely down my cheek*
#3 "Lin, you are afraid of everything! Even Gecko!"
I threw tantrum. (hit table : throw chair : punch cupboard)
I cried.
I threatened to kill myself
Since Bryan is leaving to KL in a few days, he briefed my mum on how to take care of his baby and hopefully when he's back, little Gecko is still very much alive (which is to me very unlikely because I'm already plotting my evil plan to put him to sleep
Say only, I don't even dare to go near it, what more about killing it =_______= Plus, I'm an extremely compassionate person who loves all beings like own brothers & sisters
By the way, little Gecko is only 14 cm long and it can grow up to 40 cm for male or 30cm for female.
#4 "You're only 14cm, I'm 153cm. You should be afraid of me!"
Anyway, here's the Golden rule #1:
Gecko is sort of like shy so it will only crawl/move actively in the dark. And it will hide when someone is approaching. (Mum proudly suggested to put the cage in my room because I like to sleep in the dark) Mak memang pembuli tulen T______T
#5 "Sister, luck is on my side! Next time you don't allow me to play games, I'll scare you with it! *evil cackle*"
For some, it is now a very useful weapon to achieve their wicked goals.
#6 "Come lo, I'm not afraid of you~"
While for some, the great trauma starts this minute and probably has no finale to this sad episode
But I dare him to do so, Oscar is even more afraid of the thing that I am. *beam with victory*
Golden rule #2:
Feed it with nothing but cangkerik. Put a few cangkerik inside and it will last probably 3-4 days, depending on his appetite & mood. And also it's ability to adapt to the new environment.
Fyi, cangkerik can only be bought in packets. A packet-ful probably has hundreds or thousands of cangkerik(s) Mampus la aku what to do with the rest of the cangkerik(s) T________T
First, I got to live in fear with a Gecko in the house. Now, I have to tolerate with hundreds of cangkerik(s) My life is doom! :(
#7 "Come Gecko, I feed you Gardenia bread!" *trying desperately hard to change his staple food
#8 "I don't want bread, I want bird nest!"
#9 " You evil little creature, I can't afford bird nest!"
#10 "I don't care! I want bird nest! Either that or cangkerik!"
#11 "Can we negotiate a bit here? I buy you pasar malam RM 3 shark fin soup."
#12 "So cheap! You eat by yourself!"
Conclusion: Gecko is undeniably a very high-maintenance & fussy pet! T_________T Hence, my desperate attempt to feed it with more economical & hygienic food fails T____________T
I spend the whole day at home alone, with the company of Gecko. Out of boredom, we played "Starring Game". Actually I was standing about 30 meters far from the "aquarium".
#13 "Who blink eye first is monkey huh!"
#14 "Who is this silly girl?"
This is one of the many crickets that Bryan had put in! And I realized that Gecko has not been eating any of them at all. In addition, I take this opportunity to proudly announce that this is the first time I come across crickets, this huge and this close >.< They look very much like roaches *amitabha* and equally disgusting! >.<
#15 Little Gecko
#16 "I'm camera-shy, can't you understand Hokkien?"
#17 "What's are you looking at? Go away! Back your ass then you know!"
#18 "Why are you still taking pictures?!! *insert curse words"
#19 Notice how my dad covers the top part (entrance & exit
#20 My new found knowledge: Gecko is a very courteous reptile
As I'm writing this, I saw a few white, fat, & juicy worms crawling inside. How come got worms one T____T Shyte, now I not only got to live with Gecko, but also whole village of crickets & worms!
Surprisingly, I just realized that I label this post as "Family". Well, since everyone is asleep, as "family", I should now save Gecko! *wearing gloves with mop in hand*
Big sister,
nice gecko
I just realized that DoriftoGecko sounds nice too wtf ;p
hehe maybe can call it that
Haha so funny! Lolz!
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