Friday, December 24, 2010


Everybody is busy partying & having enormous fun with liquors & dances & snow yet I'm all alone at home =(

Worst still, I can't bring myself to rest early on this holy night & got to blog my feelings out! *si pek pathetic*

What a lonely Christmas! :( With no loved one around - I'm referring to my other half)

My Christmas Eve Dinner; of Maggie Mee & fish fillet. Mum cooked fish as a substitute of turkey (cause she claimed couldn't find turkey at the market) and chicken is too common, I eat chicken on daily basis *kok kok kai*

You know what I love most about Christmas? It's not about the party all-night-long thingy or the turkey & fruit cake or anything like that, definitely more than what the eyes can see & the mouth can taste. *winky hanky pat pat*

It's the joy of being with loved ones. period.

Random: Don't you think my faux boots match my skin-tight jean? 

Tell you something if you want to know, I love unwrapping presents, whee!~!~!~ The anticipation and excitement of what will be inside those nicely wrapped boxes & packagings are simply the best feeling on Earth!~!~ Hence, Dear Santa, I wish for a day of doing nothing but unwrapping gifts (of the likes of Vera Wang & Gucci, that is) in the comfort of my own bedroom *pray really really really hard*

I was joking about the Gucci part (although I don't mine if it comes true hahahaha) because the joy in this whole pressie-exchange "ceremony" is to feel the love and fun of it, regardless of the price of the particular item! But people say "the expression of the receiver of the gift is priceless". (Kindly imagine me grinning with a Gucci in hand) tralalala~

My new girl with her pressie ^_^ Her smile is the kind of million dollar expression I was referring to =D

Just today I realized that my mum, with her "pro" photo-taking skill, is able to make me looks like having this magnificent super power that I can fly and be invisible or jump on the same spot at 988kph *dup dip di di da da dup*

After numerous attempts, I gave up on posing and thus justify the senget head wtf *Oh shyte, oh shyte no cursing on holy night* muahahahaha~

Eventually, I got fed up and gave her a faking natural smile & stand army-straight as a sign to her that I'm getting impatient *nak marah dah ni*

She read my "warning" and thus, this is the nicest photo that she managed to take after 732451987345 attempts.

Tabung bear-bear ('@')

15 minutes left to countdown...

Merry Christmas!!!~~!~!~

Go to bed, bai!


DoriftoNeko said...

soon we will be together sayang

p.u.t.e.r.i j.o.y.l.i.m said...

maybe :)