Monday, December 27, 2010


I think the environment should be put in the category of our national security.  Defense of our resources is just as important as defense abroad.  Otherwise what is there to defend?  ~Robert Redford, Yosemite National Park dedication, 1985

Dear beloved friends / readers,

We often talk about saving the environment and the importance of preserving our natural wealth. But how many of us actually walk the talk?

In order to create greater awareness about living green, recently we have started the Love Life: Save the Environment community page in Facebook.

Basically, this page aims to be a platform for environmentally-conscious friends to share their ideas & thoughts on how we can make this world a better place to live in! ^o^ 

Click on Wall to view our current updates and activities. Friends can also post their suggestions and exchange green tips among each other.

Click on Info to find out more about our aim and how we can make this work! ^^

Our key here is to focus on Simple Ways to Save the Environment which we can begin from home. Practice simple daily habits like switching off the electric and water tap when not in use can do so much to our planet Earth in the long run! Yup, as simple as that! ^o^ 

Every week, we will be posting new Green Tips to encourage friends alike to practice the mission given. The Mission # 1 for the week is Let's Make Sunday a No-Driving Day!

That aside, we will be having monthly Green Ideas starting January 2011. There will be different Green Themes every month and if you would like to contribute ideas, do be a part of us today!

Join the page here!

Or, you can just search for us at the right bar of this blog & click "like"! ^^


Encourage your friends to join too! ^o^

For enquiries, kindly email me at 

Let's Love Life: Save the Environment! And live GREEN! ^-^

Thank you! ^^


DoriftoNeko said...

nice nice yeah lets all support Love Life: Save The Environment

p.u.t.e.r.i j.o.y.l.i.m said...

Thank you :)

eco cars said...

Thanks for this info =)!