Saturday, October 16, 2010

My Skin Solution ^-^


After a long day at work,

I'm all so tired & my skin is usually full with severe outbreaks from the excessive amount of make-up T____T

On days when I'm make-up free, my face is filled with pimples at the cheek, nose/the T-zone area..


This is a picture of me taken 2 years ago. Back then, my skin was as smooth as tau fu fah. Too bad it's not that clear in this picture.

Not long ago, on my trip to Taiwan, I bought a set of mask. Inside this artsy packaging, it contains 5 different types of masks (2 pieces each) with "special ingredients" that provide different solutions to various skin problems.


Unwrapping the box with anticipation *tears of joy*

From left: Bird Nest Mask, White Pearl Mask, Aloe Vera Mask, Black Pearl Mask & Japanese Cherry Blossom Mask ^^

Nice packaging right, tak sampai hati wanna use TT

All the while, my skin is more on the dry type & occasionally oily on the T-zone.

Hence, I choose to use the Aloe Vera mask. The benefits of aloe Vera mask to our skin are endless. It has cooling & calming effect and especially suitable for skin with acne problem. 

My bare skin T_______T
(Walk out the house like that hak sei yan lor~~)

My only hope *cross 10 jari tangan & 10 jari kaki*

Put it on for 20 minutes

And while doing that, there are a lot of things to do. Let's not waste time alright. For example, I can...

1. Berposing-posing ;)

2. Do Mandarin homework *real torment* T____T

3. Edit gambar

4. Last but not least, can play puchi-puchi ^__^

20 minutes later...

Skin banyak cantik! I'm serious, this mask does wonders! Pores are visibly smaller, pimple size reduce & blackheads are lesser.


I shall now go to bed with a big smile on my face =D

But before that, some "exclusive pictures" ;p

Bryan with his ugly faces! (^o<)

Nite nite!~

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