Sunday, September 19, 2010


*This is a pre-scheduled post*

This is my first attempt in burning the kitchen. Those who know me will also know that I can't cook. Thus thank God for a lovely boyfriend who can bake/cook/and basically do all the household chores. But sometimes when he's not around and mum is not around too, I can't be waiting for them and starve all day. During situation like this, I'll not hesitate to call 1300-13-1300 and food will be right at my doorstep.

However, just for today. I will try my hand at basic cooking steps. Basic means doesn't require me to use the stove/gas; just chopping, slicing and add in hot water wtf

The ingredients: carrot, tomato & red chilly

Main dish: seafood cup noodles

First, you chop the tomato into 2 

Then you further chop it into 4

Cut the carrot into small slices

Stuff everything in the cup
 Add in hot water

3 minutes later: a not-so-wholesome meal
(side dishes include left over coleslaw and coke)

There you go: my brunch =)

p/s: I'm coming back tomorrow babe! See, like I said, there's nothing to be worried about! Love you and see you! *kisses*

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