Below are a list of questions I typically ask my papa, mama, didi, sei fei zai, my colleagues & my friends. They get annoyed of coz but heck they stil reply me cuz if not i will keep repeating until they reply >.<
1. Why do we have to work? Of course human must work one la, no work, no $$$! Stupid S + 11 !
2. Why am I the eldest? Because u come out first, if you let ur bro come out first u ma the youngest lor!
3. Why do u love me? *big wet eyes* Dunno, fate. (see, he is very the cold-blooded and very the insensitive and very the unromantic wtf wtf wtf*
4. Why like this? Joy diam, dont ask why fullstop
5. Why like that? Joy I said diam (and a mean-it fullstop)
6. To be continue.....
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
They are still there!!
2&1/2 more days before I can savour the sweetness of a weekend again...
I have AT LEAST 7 visible pimples on my face, not to mention the invisible ones on my forehead wtFUCK Well not to say invisible la but they are less visible as in they are tiny and spreaded evenly thus do not create an obviously disgusting-looking sight wtFUCK GOD TREAT ME LIKE THAT T________________________________T Seriously, having pimples is seriously the bigger disaster to me im serious not joking and im really serious. It takes away all my self-confidence and making me a shy gal who shun herself from everyone else in the office wtFUCK
God pls take them away i beg u T____________________T
Or You can relocated them to other places like my butt or something wtFUCK God please move them right away T_________________________T
Got to go now.I swear i got alot of work to do so just please leave me alone to get the things done before i go off for a nice weekend ;)
God pls take them away i beg u T____________________T
Or You can relocated them to other places like my butt or something wtFUCK God please move them right away T_________________________T
Got to go now.I swear i got alot of work to do so just please leave me alone to get the things done before i go off for a nice weekend ;)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Catching up on Day 3
I pray and wish and pray and wish again again and again endlessly pray and hope and wish for the best ;) I really deeply wish and hope that my application will be accepted. So dear boss, if you are reading this, please dont fired me yet cuz this is not about job application / college application. Its personal. And everything shall be disclosed if it goes on smoothly. Anyway, main point is DONT FIRED ME!!!~ LoL~ Mr boss must be headache to have this kind of ding dong staff, kekeke~ I wish Edson will call me now and let me know the "end result" =D Im so freaking nervous and 'disturbed' over this matter that whatever I do, nothing seems right :-( Fucking pc is dying gets slower semakin hari and Im just waiting for it to die off so tht i cn get a replacement =D =D =D Kah Ban can you hear me!!!!~~ Kah Ban I treat very the nice so in return u should treat me super nice ma *:rf :rf*
Getting back to work after "hibernating" for 3-4days is seriously very hard for me to get on track. And my Alzheimer is kinda getting more serious and one day i surely lost on the way home wtf i need gingko man :-( And certain things i really dont understand, i have been hibernating for so many days d yet pimples keep popping up, why huh! :(
Raya is over yet I dont feel much celebration around...ohya, I had a lot of cookies for the past 3 days cuz most of my neighbors are Muslims, happy leh eat cookies =D Cant really decide on a fav coz all oso favorites ;p
Time to get back to work. Kesian Joy Lim Chen Lin. Nasib si lembu :(
Getting back to work after "hibernating" for 3-4days is seriously very hard for me to get on track. And my Alzheimer is kinda getting more serious and one day i surely lost on the way home wtf i need gingko man :-( And certain things i really dont understand, i have been hibernating for so many days d yet pimples keep popping up, why huh! :(
Raya is over yet I dont feel much celebration around...ohya, I had a lot of cookies for the past 3 days cuz most of my neighbors are Muslims, happy leh eat cookies =D Cant really decide on a fav coz all oso favorites ;p
Time to get back to work. Kesian Joy Lim Chen Lin. Nasib si lembu :(
Monday, September 14, 2009
Hope is All Around!~
I was slowly getting back on track yesterday but today I am in a state of confusion again :-(
I very excited but scare wil disappointed :( >.< :(
But di mana ada kemahuan,di situ ada jalan... :)
Joy Lim Chen Lin
Zhi Yung very the good...he really go back and shorten the Lee Hom song "xin tiao" for me...unlike Ah Hooi selalu kutuk my phone buruk...yeeeeee.......benci si or kui Hooi >.< But sometimes dia sangat comel...muka dia pun semacam sami >.< Amitabha!~
Tomorrow maight have to take half day off from work to settle some baby kesayangan, wait for my good news ya! ^^
Tomorrow maight have to take half day off from work to settle some baby kesayangan, wait for my good news ya! ^^
I very excited but scare wil disappointed :( >.< :(
But di mana ada kemahuan,di situ ada jalan... :)
Joy Lim Chen Lin
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The Dating Game
Something in me must have gone wrong to prompt me to write about this wtf. I was reminiscing on my old carefree school days, the cheap and ho liao hokkien mee 60cents nia, our stupid a book a day activity, so on and so forth until something more interesting (to me) came across my mind. Thats the Dating Game (in school) wtf. Well, dating game entails all the "tactics" in kau lui and di-kau, strategy in winning someone's heart and di-win wtf, all the little little gifts pass from one person to the another cuz the original penghadiah was too shy to give the present to the target penerima etc etc etc... So, i wil share my story. My story very the high class. Very the high class cuz i sipek hard di-kau. Eh im serious geh ok! I may be/might be an ugly duckling but hio bear in mind i say this because im humble*proud* In actual fact, i very beautiful (co lang ai steady), long slim legs (think too much ;-x), big butt (this one public secret lai) hey got people penat cubit my butt in bus ok!
Enuf of self-praise, too ai bin bo huat >.<
I wil tell my story now. Every word written starting from this paragraph is based on actual fact as closely as possible. I mula dipikat at the age of 9. Serious one ok! That time i no look no body but gt people like also ok cuz im cute, super cute wtf. The said pursuer has now become my super duper best friend and till now he hasnt got a gf yet see im so hard dilupakan and very tough to find the same cheerful and cute de me wtf - - -> This last phrase i add-on de hehehehe~ Last time in tuition centre he wil baling "love letter" to me then i wil take and koyakkan. lil pursuer, if last time u throw diamond ka.. honda city key ka i sure terima with hati terbuka one wtf Well...this lil pursuer dilupakan when i finish form 5. Yes, i went to the same tuition teacher from primary until i finish secondary with glory wtf I took tuition for English nia thats why my ang mor very the good even til now...example..A for "am-bre-lla~", B for Bola, C for Cola, D for Dollar, E for Eh la bo bun tei!~ then i somemore know got 26 alphabets then E. T came time left 21 cuz E. T take away U.F.O and many many many shits like that @@
Coming back to my lil pursuer, i met him again in Form 6. We went to the same school. This time my lil pursuer was more daring d...dare to "talk" to me in approached me say 'hi' then bayang bun x nampak. To cut the grandma story short, he sorta like confessed few times in F6 and i hen hen de ju jue 0.o Im so heartless.Nola...i dun like him tht time ma..he quite girlish and sissy very man jor ;-x Regret :( Did i say i regret? :0
Next pursuer, let me see...not in sequence la ya just express wht i cn remember.. I used to work in Pragin Mall Guardian pharmacy, Sawks World, etc etc etc during my school break and after school. Then there was this guy quite fei one (now i wonder all fei zais like this bak kut lonpiak), worked in Sega station or play station aiya forget jor but main point is he cui me very foolishly. First, he came to Guardian buy plaster. Then next he came to Guardian buy shampoo. After that came again buy sweets. Everyday also see his face bought beh liao one. That time I noticed him sentiasa datang but tak fikir banyak cuz after all im a young lady with pride and dignity and unil my prince confess i wont simply go play the guessing game =) Sampai one day he asked, cn we have lunch together? If im not wong, i replied no, im busy quite pek-chek-ly one cuz i was a cashier, cashier very busy one ok and very big responsibility one ok! After a while, he came again, with Ferrero (that time very heng give this kind of chocolates one wtf i wanted diamond) and told me he worked upstairs one then asked for my number. I rejected and didnt give bun cuz his reason was very 38 n i was scared ok...he said, "next time b4 i come i cn cal n make sure u r here first) --> lu eh mak la as if im the only cashier there. The fei zai gave up until a few rejected lunch dates.
Soon after, another pursuer came. This time very funny, funny as in the pursuer was the gong-ness-ess among the gongs! We used to have very lil staffs in shop cuz hard to get quality people like me wtf so we always had lunch in shop. This monk-look-alike pursuer was sung-ngoi-mai guy. Delivery guy...sent lunch one then send quite few times started to kay-liao in my rice d somemore very cheap@@ Later ko ka geng, free drink im serious then same stupid process lo take handphone number lame right! Anyhow, wa cin jia choosy one, last time if ppl ask for number i wil gv wa eh papa eh number i so smart right. If last time i choose chap-chai rice boy, i wil become chap-chai-rice queen. Everyday eat free rice, free kembung fish,free fried eggs and free cola somemore =D
My pursuers very capalang...i lazy to cerita d cuz i need to work d >.<
Continue soonest possible.
I will be back.
by Lim Chen Lin.
Enuf of self-praise, too ai bin bo huat >.<
I wil tell my story now. Every word written starting from this paragraph is based on actual fact as closely as possible. I mula dipikat at the age of 9. Serious one ok! That time i no look no body but gt people like also ok cuz im cute, super cute wtf. The said pursuer has now become my super duper best friend and till now he hasnt got a gf yet see im so hard dilupakan and very tough to find the same cheerful and cute de me wtf - - -> This last phrase i add-on de hehehehe~ Last time in tuition centre he wil baling "love letter" to me then i wil take and koyakkan. lil pursuer, if last time u throw diamond ka.. honda city key ka i sure terima with hati terbuka one wtf Well...this lil pursuer dilupakan when i finish form 5. Yes, i went to the same tuition teacher from primary until i finish secondary with glory wtf I took tuition for English nia thats why my ang mor very the good even til now...example..A for "am-bre-lla~", B for Bola, C for Cola, D for Dollar, E for Eh la bo bun tei!~ then i somemore know got 26 alphabets then E. T came time left 21 cuz E. T take away U.F.O and many many many shits like that @@
Coming back to my lil pursuer, i met him again in Form 6. We went to the same school. This time my lil pursuer was more daring d...dare to "talk" to me in approached me say 'hi' then bayang bun x nampak. To cut the grandma story short, he sorta like confessed few times in F6 and i hen hen de ju jue 0.o Im so heartless.Nola...i dun like him tht time ma..he quite girlish and sissy very man jor ;-x Regret :( Did i say i regret? :0
Next pursuer, let me see...not in sequence la ya just express wht i cn remember.. I used to work in Pragin Mall Guardian pharmacy, Sawks World, etc etc etc during my school break and after school. Then there was this guy quite fei one (now i wonder all fei zais like this bak kut lonpiak), worked in Sega station or play station aiya forget jor but main point is he cui me very foolishly. First, he came to Guardian buy plaster. Then next he came to Guardian buy shampoo. After that came again buy sweets. Everyday also see his face bought beh liao one. That time I noticed him sentiasa datang but tak fikir banyak cuz after all im a young lady with pride and dignity and unil my prince confess i wont simply go play the guessing game =) Sampai one day he asked, cn we have lunch together? If im not wong, i replied no, im busy quite pek-chek-ly one cuz i was a cashier, cashier very busy one ok and very big responsibility one ok! After a while, he came again, with Ferrero (that time very heng give this kind of chocolates one wtf i wanted diamond) and told me he worked upstairs one then asked for my number. I rejected and didnt give bun cuz his reason was very 38 n i was scared ok...he said, "next time b4 i come i cn cal n make sure u r here first) --> lu eh mak la as if im the only cashier there. The fei zai gave up until a few rejected lunch dates.
Soon after, another pursuer came. This time very funny, funny as in the pursuer was the gong-ness-ess among the gongs! We used to have very lil staffs in shop cuz hard to get quality people like me wtf so we always had lunch in shop. This monk-look-alike pursuer was sung-ngoi-mai guy. Delivery guy...sent lunch one then send quite few times started to kay-liao in my rice d somemore very cheap@@ Later ko ka geng, free drink im serious then same stupid process lo take handphone number lame right! Anyhow, wa cin jia choosy one, last time if ppl ask for number i wil gv wa eh papa eh number i so smart right. If last time i choose chap-chai rice boy, i wil become chap-chai-rice queen. Everyday eat free rice, free kembung fish,free fried eggs and free cola somemore =D
My pursuers very capalang...i lazy to cerita d cuz i need to work d >.<
Continue soonest possible.
I will be back.
by Lim Chen Lin.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Confessions of Joy Lim Chen Lin
I dont deserve to be loved.
I had a tough time falling into sleep last night..tossing here and there and my mind was stuffed with so many many things to be settled yet so little time... I was a failed daughter, still a failed daughter and will be a failure for the rest of my life. I dont deserve all the undying loves showered upon me by the angels surrounding me. I dont deserve to be loved cuz I fail to give my love ones the kind of love they need. I dont deserve to be loved simply because I dont deserve.
I'm an alien to my inner self. Or maybe I really do have split personalities. I used to feel like a loser at times but now I am a loser all the time. People kept demanding from me, keep expecting the best from me and I often ask myself, "How long can I give in?" Is my sole purpose in life is just to please them and forget my own un-noticeable-self?
I dont understand myself
I'm an alien to my inner self. Or maybe I really do have split personalities. I used to feel like a loser at times but now I am a loser all the time. People kept demanding from me, keep expecting the best from me and I often ask myself, "How long can I give in?" Is my sole purpose in life is just to please them and forget my own un-noticeable-self?
I dont deserve to live
Yes, I dont deserve to live. All I do is planting the seed of sadness, hurt and disappointment in each and every of them. How I wish I were Mr Santa then maybe I can live up to everyone's expectation. Sadly, in reality, I'm just a humble small potato which is of no great importance to the people who love me and people who I work with. People like me should be crucify to death. And once again, I dont deserve to live.
JoY LiM cHeN LiN
JoY LiM cHeN LiN
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Post Crap Dari Hati
Aku tidak sabar2 nak menunggu ketibaan Hari Raya kerana aku nak HoLiDaYzzZZzzzZz~~~
Semalam aku mengulangkaji buku "The East Asian Financial Crisis" sehingga lewat malam...Pelik rasanya apabila tiba2 macam dirasuk hantu dan teringin nak baca buku tu. Yang lebih peliknya, aku boleh concentrate walaupun adikku tengah main game kat tepi sambil memijak-mijak kakiku kerana terlampau excited. Sakit kepalaku...entah apa aku merepek ni aku pun tak tahu...Fikiranku bercelaru...seolah-olah banyak masalah yang menghimpit diriku sehingga nak selesaikannya pun aku entah nak start dari mana. Keluargaku bukannya besar teramat sangat, hidupku pun bahagia ibarat puteri, kerja steady pun ada wtf tapi masih rasa macam kekurangan something...something yang aku pun x tahu apa something itu..
Someone pernah cakap,dunia ini memang besar dan manusia memang tak akan rasa contented walaupun bahagia macam mana pun. Kenyataan ini logik juga... sebab sebagai manusia kita memang harus tak henti2 mengdiscover makna kehidupan, mengejar impian dan mencipta nama di puncak dunia. Namun, di antara kita, ada berapalah yang betul2 dapat catch erti kehidupan ini? Ada berapa yang betul2 jadi famous ni? Aku masih tertanya-tanya...
Dalam proses mengenali diri dan mendalami erti kehidupan, ada kalanya kita akan tersesat.. minda dikabungi awan pilu dan tertanya-tanya, adakah segala pengorbanan yang dilakukan berbaloi? Kawan rapat meninggalkan ku satu ko satu, ahli keluarga semakin tidak memahamiku, ajaran agama pun ku abaikan... Atau mungkinkah sebenarnya diriku yang sesat sehingga diriku tidak lagi mengenali diriku? Mungkinkah sebenarnya diriku yang menutup pintu besar ke hati kecilku ni? Siapa aku ni? Aku binggung...
yang bermaksud
Habis Cerita Comot >.<
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
^o~ Lame ~o^
It's time to disclose this very lame hobby of mine *.*

Album which I bought in F6

My bro's drawing >.<

Merdeka-Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri-Mid Autumn Festival
Did somebody say he misses Queensbay? =)
I'm bringing QB nearer to you, faster say thank you!
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Blink Blink Blink >.<
I sangat teramat minat diamond /gold lately...
Hari2 check gold price...
Hari2 bising mak mahu gi kedai emas..
Guess ini memang sifat keperempuanan bagi seorang gadis muda wtf
Call me materialistic I dont care >.<
At least I have something to FIGHT for....
Something to look forward..
My birthday sudah mahu sampai wtf (baru over -.-"...) sila tengok web di bawah:
I sangat teramat minat diamond /gold lately...
Hari2 check gold price...
Hari2 bising mak mahu gi kedai emas..
Guess ini memang sifat keperempuanan bagi seorang gadis muda wtf
Call me materialistic I dont care >.<
At least I have something to FIGHT for....
Something to look forward..
My birthday sudah mahu sampai wtf (baru over -.-"...) sila tengok web di bawah:
Im writing this and or kui Hooi datang kacau then my mood hilang but I stil love diamond wtf
I LIKE MODEL 5514DB, 0053CD, 0101CD, 8941DD, 1623DF.
Joy, the 'zao hui' za bor :)
Monday, September 07, 2009
Sometimes I really wonder how the security here works...they are old (no offense but they really are) and not well-trained. Since they are old, they tend to have very bad vision & blur... They will have to walk very near to your car to check on your stickers, wtf... Then u have to stop at the middle of the road near entrance there, let them "closely" inspect you, let the other vehicles horn you loud-loud few times then push the gate open for you sangat teramat slow! What is this! Secondly, they are not well-trained. The securities I saw here include a senior citizen ah pek who probably retired or jobless, an aunty yang macam pregnant tapi bukan pregnant and very "pretentious" (I will explain later) and etc etc etc .... How do you expect people like this work when they are obviously not capable of "protecting" us and the keamanan int he carpark. Kindly allow me to point out a few scenarios to justify my claim.
Scenario 1
You reach ur workplace at 7.55am...just in time for u to park nicely and punch in sharp at 8.00am. However, the ah pek guard stop you at the guard house area, walk s-l-o-w-l-y to take a look at ur car sticker, then proceed to look at ur face for like 8-9 seconds then direct his vision to ur car sticker again wondering why the number plate written with ink has fade off wtf Car behind honk twice, ah pek guard *crawl* to push the gate open for you and mind you the space cun cun for your car to go in, if your tangan terlicin abit and steering tersenget abit ur side mirror habis d.U say la pek chek onot! >.<
Scenario 2
Same u cun cun reach ur workplace, today drive different car so no sticker. Ah Pek guard says. 'I can recognise ur face but u cannot go in cuz no sticker'. Har!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can recognise my face and u know i usually come in 4321 and very damn confirm im not a terrorist but i cannot go in coz NO STICKER. This is equivalent to a guy who's not allow into male's toilet cuz he doesnt show his koo koo wtf! Ya, he's a guy but no show koo koo cnt go in lar! U say la, the guard tiao ti find fault right!
Scenario 3
A car belongs to student is parked at the no-parking area. Lady guard saw but pretend didnt see and just look away. The minute the student walked away to the class, lady guard quickly walked over and place a no-parking notice on the student's car! APA NI! She should just ask the student to park at different place and tell him no next time. Coward betul! Btw, this morning the guard came into admin office and complained to Mr Chum that got one student scolded her cibai -.-"...Wei funny sial la u r the guard, u cn exercise ur authority as a guard la! >.< I wanna scold u cibai also but i no guts only :(
Scenario 4
You came to work on Sunday. Dahlah x bermood and in a rush, the minute u parked ur car, lady guard shouted at u! Below is the conversation which happen last weel.
Lao aunty guard: Oiii Ah Moi, u park sini buat ape!
Limpeh: Park kejap aje nak ambik barang..
L.A.G: Nak buat tak buka! Semua orang takde, balik balik!!~
Limpeh: Tahulah office tak buka, I datang nak buka la ni! (pull my bro behind me dont want to scare him...and feel like baling the key at her)
L.A.G: Ohh...u orang office r! Soli soli...hari ni kerja ke..? (Trust me,muka dia bertukar dengan teramat cepat sangat)
Limpeh: (proceed to walking to office tak mahu tengok muka lansai dia)
L.A.G: Sampai pukul berapa MISS?
Limpeh: Kejap aje...12pm nanti baliklah..
Nak exercise power pi la jauh jauh..lanjiao lang work lanjiao way!
Pastu bro tanya:
Bro: Jie, y u wanna go work also she doesnt allow u in...?
Me: Sebab dia dog..stupid dog!
Bro: *Laugh* What kind of dog?
Me: Dog is dog lar! Ko hami dog! I tell you dont simply talk to dog later. Dog talk to u,u just walk away,ignore people like this dont talk to much with them..
Bro: O..... *staring at the "dog" while walking*
End of story.
Scenario 1
You reach ur workplace at 7.55am...just in time for u to park nicely and punch in sharp at 8.00am. However, the ah pek guard stop you at the guard house area, walk s-l-o-w-l-y to take a look at ur car sticker, then proceed to look at ur face for like 8-9 seconds then direct his vision to ur car sticker again wondering why the number plate written with ink has fade off wtf Car behind honk twice, ah pek guard *crawl* to push the gate open for you and mind you the space cun cun for your car to go in, if your tangan terlicin abit and steering tersenget abit ur side mirror habis d.U say la pek chek onot! >.<
Scenario 2
Same u cun cun reach ur workplace, today drive different car so no sticker. Ah Pek guard says. 'I can recognise ur face but u cannot go in cuz no sticker'. Har!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can recognise my face and u know i usually come in 4321 and very damn confirm im not a terrorist but i cannot go in coz NO STICKER. This is equivalent to a guy who's not allow into male's toilet cuz he doesnt show his koo koo wtf! Ya, he's a guy but no show koo koo cnt go in lar! U say la, the guard tiao ti find fault right!
Scenario 3
A car belongs to student is parked at the no-parking area. Lady guard saw but pretend didnt see and just look away. The minute the student walked away to the class, lady guard quickly walked over and place a no-parking notice on the student's car! APA NI! She should just ask the student to park at different place and tell him no next time. Coward betul! Btw, this morning the guard came into admin office and complained to Mr Chum that got one student scolded her cibai -.-"...Wei funny sial la u r the guard, u cn exercise ur authority as a guard la! >.< I wanna scold u cibai also but i no guts only :(
Scenario 4
You came to work on Sunday. Dahlah x bermood and in a rush, the minute u parked ur car, lady guard shouted at u! Below is the conversation which happen last weel.
Lao aunty guard: Oiii Ah Moi, u park sini buat ape!
Limpeh: Park kejap aje nak ambik barang..
L.A.G: Nak buat tak buka! Semua orang takde, balik balik!!~
Limpeh: Tahulah office tak buka, I datang nak buka la ni! (pull my bro behind me dont want to scare him...and feel like baling the key at her)
L.A.G: Ohh...u orang office r! Soli soli...hari ni kerja ke..? (Trust me,muka dia bertukar dengan teramat cepat sangat)
Limpeh: (proceed to walking to office tak mahu tengok muka lansai dia)
L.A.G: Sampai pukul berapa MISS?
Limpeh: Kejap aje...12pm nanti baliklah..
Nak exercise power pi la jauh jauh..lanjiao lang work lanjiao way!
Pastu bro tanya:
Bro: Jie, y u wanna go work also she doesnt allow u in...?
Me: Sebab dia dog..stupid dog!
Bro: *Laugh* What kind of dog?
Me: Dog is dog lar! Ko hami dog! I tell you dont simply talk to dog later. Dog talk to u,u just walk away,ignore people like this dont talk to much with them..
Bro: O..... *staring at the "dog" while walking*
End of story.
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