Friday, August 28, 2009


Looking forward to the long weekend~ (^o~)

Date:2days to Independence Day, Merdeka!!!~
Day:Seh ter dei (*o*)
Time: satu ji-lo lima empat ('@')
Mood: Xtremely gudddddddd!!!~ LoL~

Im drinking oatmilk while blogging in my office :-x Am gonna talk on privacy. It matters alot to me; in terms of my very own space, emotionally, the freedom to do things without spreading to the world, so on and so forth. I like having my own privacy (who doesnt), enjoying my private time. My privacy matters the most and its clearly demonstrated from the way I react (HUGEEEE EXPLODDDDE!) when people invaded it. Take for example, I really hate people touching/moving/using my stuffs without permission; be it at home or in the office. Dont ask me why, I simple dislike people behaved like that. And I cn piss off on the spot whenever I see people just take my stuff like their own. Even at home, I cn just explode when my mum uses my hair dryer. Or, I wil just be mad for ages when all my wine bottles are obviously being touched b4. Btw, everything in my room are arranged in a 'unique' way that once people touch it, I sure know. That's why I seldom (almost never) allow people to be in my room @@

Private time - a time for the recollection of oneself mentally and spiritually. NEVER EVER INVADE MY 'ME TIME' CAUSE YOU WILL NEVER WANNA SEE ME CURSING ALL THE WAY TO YOUR GREAT GREAT GREAT GRANDCHILDREN. I like to have some time of my own everyday; by just doing nothing and chill. i will lay on my bed, do mask,just relax and let the mind wander to where it wants to be. I can be thinking of what has happen throughout the day or just thinking of my plans ;)

Ok,I should stop blogging now. My privacy is AGAIN being intruded by Mohamad Ah Jian bin Kan-ni-na-hia!!!!

I wil not explode for these 3 days,dun12spoil my weekend ;)


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