Hahaha~~Today very hoi sam coz reach home time see this magazine on my table =)

Padini periodic mag =)

And found this new love...

and this.....
Quickly look at my mum and point to this page,trying to get "sponsorship" but she looks at the ceiling....
Haih...attempt to get sponsorship fails :(

Sei fei por..

This is how su bun people chill at home 0.o


My face like brinjal, so what so what!?


I like this fury coat also but must save money for my many 'operations' to come; do braces la,do dimples la,double eyelid la,fairer skin la,shorter face la,plastic surgery la...wtf I think its easier if i just kill myself and re-born -.-"...


My huge sai tor :p

upclose *scary*

Now July ma..hungry ghost month ma..must show more ghostly pics ^^


mou yeng kiok:kick my mum down balcony *anak derhaka*


1.3mp camera..dun put too high expectation



Im sleepy..

Getting sleepier...

Bai bai!
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