So, I actually told myself to stop writing about us.
But I can't :(
I actually feel so so so terrible tonight. I want to cry but I have no more tears, I'm drinking but it has no more effect on me.
I can see he's changing for the better, like eating more healthy food. Someone is making a positive impact on him and for that I'm happy. Better than I begged for him to change also he refused wtf. I love Subway; extremely and I always ask him to eat that but he'd always beg until he gets KFC wtf
I even made him skip supper for his own good but he always eat behind my back wtf Once I remember, he said he's going to the toilet then I was in the room playing some games and I wonder what took him so long. So I went to check out on him and saw him holding a piece of cheese gonna put in mouth liao. Then, he pretended like nothing happen and asked me if I want a bite wtf
Each time we're out, he sure scold me one if I check-in with him. And he always tell people he goes out with parents whenever I'm with him.
Am I that sia sueh r wtf So mm kin tak yan meh?!
I'm so so so so tired My most trustable person cheated on me.
Tell me la who to trust?
p/s: I miss my hubby so so so so so so so so fucking damn much.
I know you have been putting blames on a person for your EX-BF's changes of heart just because you look things on the surface and listening from around. Posting insults on facebook doesn't make anyone else happy but rather it shows how weak you are in containing yourself. You can't accept the fact of the break up and simply putting the blame on a person who is just happen to be there with your EX-BF so you never need to think of the cause of break up is from yourself or himself; it just had to be from some other girl. Will you just wake up from your perfect fantasy world and start facing the reality where there are room for you to grow up ?
Another thing, I dun see her blaming that person who be there for her ex... @..@
Dear Anonymous,
Thank you for your comment.
Hahaha~ I'll grow up la some day and i don't blame anyone. So, stop being judgemental about me while you don't even know me personally, or do you? :)
Dear Mel,
Cha bor, why delete your comment b4 i read let ish ish ish
Dear anonymous,
I can't believe it's you r hahahahaha but nehmai la. I'm thankful she's there for you. :)
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