If you have been following my notes and updates in FB, you’ll know that I started the day feeling extremely agitated over something which I’m too exhausted to repeat right now, hence if you are concern, read it here.
However, I’m delighted to say that the 2nd half of the day went through pretty well & happy *thumbs up* A lot of catching up to do and a fruitful discussion (to be disclosed at a later date) Sounds confusing huh? No worries, I’ll go in details soon but for now I’ll let the picture do (most) of the talking *Forgive me I’m really too tired to even raise my fingers, let alone moving along the keyboard * big wet eyes*
First of all, I need to do a brief introduction on this guy friend of mine, he’s Danny. To be precise, he's my ex-colleague from Isetan. Single & available *need to hard-sell as per requested wtf* He came all the way from KL to join Penang Bridge Run 2010 with his eldest sister, how cool is that! So after the tormenting race *as according to him*, he called me up & we decided to go for a lunch just to catch up on each other’s matters since the last time we met was probably a year ago. Not much drastic changes as I can see from him, just a little *extra pound* Time to hit the gym mate J Another thing, he was teasing me about me updating my FB pictures so frequent means I syiok sendiri take picture a lot, which is true to a certain degree cannot fought back but later when I played around with his i-phone, I saw alot of his ss pictures HAHAHHAHAHA
And also just a little more of history to share, he was my close buddy in Isetan, me in Merchandising Dept while he was in the IT Dept. Or friendship blossomed on one occasion where I need to stay back very late to do some information searching (I was new & as plain as a piece of white paper) Then coincidentally Dan Dan Boy (his pet name) was on night shift. He came to my place and we ended up chatting all night! Yup, that’s when we get to know each other better and be real good friends ever since!
His parents tagged along in this trip and they stay at Vistana (nearby BJ) Thus, I picked him up there and we headed to QB. After some chit-chatting & loitering around, we (actually I) decided to have jap for lunch as he was already energy-less from too much walking J

Need no explanation on this I know :) Yup, we were at Sushi King.
His attempt to help me take a better picture of my meal but nampaknya fail. What to do...anybody wants to sponsor DSLR? *big wet eyes kali kedua*
See I know him too well! He sure cheated one kesi2 take my picture..so I blocked..erm...1/2 face =.=”..
One thing weird that I notice is why people go Sushi King and eat curry one? I never tried Japanese curry cause the idea doesn’t sound tempting to me. According to Dan Dan Boy, the curry was sweet, not spicy at all hahahaha Japanese fail in making curry hahaha lame Maybe Japanese curry is meant to be tasted that way, I never analyze on that wtf And.. this is Dan Dan Boy’s first visit to Sushi King @@ The best part was, he said not he can proudly tell his friends, “When I go Penang, my friend brought me to Sushi King” wtf I was ashamed because I didn’t know the best place for street food in the afternoon =.=”.. Sorry lo, I’ll be a better host next time, k?
After the hearty meal, I sent him back to the hotel for his much needed rest and rushed to meet another friend of mine, Mei & TW. Unfortunately, Mei couldn’t reach Penang island on time so TW & I met up and did some *serious discussion* As I said, yet to be disclosed hahahaha~
Meeting up with friends never fail to cheer me up! It’s only 6pm now & I’m yawning ever so crazily *yawn yawn yawn* Should really call it a day now but before that, I should live up to my name “JOY” and joyfully show you some SS pics wtf
Before that, *ahem* today I’m a woman in black with my expensive biker dress hahaha~
First picture is of course, my signature alien face wakakakaka #%$%$^Y@#Q@@!!!
Follow by "sakit kepala pose"
Up next will be loads of meaningful pictures, BEWARE wtf
I wanna tunjuk muka kasihan but my baby hairs ruin the picture L
Last but not least, an ugly picture of me asking you to shut up because it's my bed time ^o^
Or a seductive one (but gagal teruk)
Ok, I’m serious now, night night! J
Side note: As I’m writing this, I just recalled that I’ve forgotten to pay him some postage money that I owe him few weeks back. Sorry Dan Dan Boy, you will be here next month right? :D
Night night!~
i like sushi king :)
Sushi King likes you too :)
u posted my face up?!? @@"
Thx 4ur meal treat, and i treated it as the paid for the postage $ jor~
har...where can, apala u? You should remind me >.< I shall wait for 3rd Dec.
erm.. d date remains unconfirm~ coz got banyak suara~
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