Sunday, May 09, 2010

What I did over the weekend

Last weekend, I was left all alone by bf and family so that I can really do something I wanna do but couldn't find the time to sit down and really put my hand on it. Hence, I had such a good time all by myself in the conscience of my little room. First, I managed to catch up on some readings which I wanted to do so long time ago! I have with me a few good books, super romance story but nothing sexually fanciful like what you have in mind =p Those books, were "complimentary" courtesy of Amanda who recently came back from the States. So, ten kiu!!!~ 

Then what else I did huh...hmm... I "filtered" my wardrobe, categorizing them into "wear to work", "wear to dates" and "wear no more". Those "wear no more" were placed in 3 small boxes and going to give them to my younger cousins and nieces. I have pretty much stuffs that still wearable but it's so-not-my-taste anymore hence why keep it right? Dad labeled me as "Pua Kek", which means pembazir or what ever you call it in English I don't know wtf

And of course, I edited some photographs in my cell, some daily-basis camwhore photos and also routine stuff that appear most of the time in my blog but by editing them, I'm giving them a new life! wtf Lets see some of them here: 

Masks given by Jim.

Fierce looking face

Carpet kereta with my Vincci & Jim's face, hahahahaha~

This is your humble writer

Yours truly

On the way home..
This is a very common sight I have to face everyday after work....*sigh* Maybe I should really consider getting a bike or something, it's pretty frustrating to be caught in a jam like this daily. Or, anyone wanna sponsor me BMX?

Shoe on top of "bao xian xiang"

Some random CD

I got these lenses for free but I don't like using contact lenses so if anyone wants it, just let me know k!~

Hello Kitty & some old bottle of skincare products

I shall end this post with some really artsy looking cup from Bintangbucks.
p/s: for more pictures, go to

Yours truly.

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