Eve of CNY: I did a lot of chores for the past 2 days, seriously...more than what I did for the past 25 years and 8 months. -.-"... I used to take forever to even wash my own cup wtf That's how blessed I am with a Super Mom who can practically manage everything well in order ;) But this time, I got to take some credits for:
a) Peel vegetables (kubis, cabbage,)
I peeled 2 bouquet of this for our steamboat reunion dinner. Not an easy task ok, you got to peel it with extra care so you won't terkoyak it half leaf like that because according to Super Mom, it doesn't look nice on the plate. Then, while you peel you got to talk to it literally just to make it her feel comfortable with what you're doing (I use her here as a respect for IT).

Then, I made noodles for pre-dinner meal. ;p "Reunion" means must wait for everyone to sit around the table only can start eating and my brother is well-known for being late regardless of occasion (King birthday also same eh) so I fed my stomach with starter -.-"..
b) I peeled egg shells. Before that, I boiled 40 bird eggs (technically it's not known as "bird eggs" but I can't seem to recall the term) but you know la that kind of eggs people usually eat for steamboat wtf. Chinese lang call "ciao nui" 0 0 0 ---> faham? (No picture cause not enough hands I only got two)
c) I massage-d chicken. From bonefull I massage to relax the muscle a bit so that Super Mom can 'ki kut" till it becomes boneless. =) (No picture too it was disgusting)
d) Most remarkable task of all: I wash P*****1

It took me more than an hour to wash it from front to back, inside out, bottom up blah blah blah! During the process, I almost tripped 957940654 times from tersangkut the water hose. And, I was drenched barely 3 minutes into the process so to sum up this task, I'm most sexy while washing car wtf
Fast forward to reunion dinner, steamboat time! ^_^ We had so much food on the table that it could feed a village! I'm serious! It was the five of us struggling to pop down all the balls (fish, sotong, crab, cuttlefish, meat) Afraid that we might not finish our food and ended up wasted, Super Mum volunteered to peel prawns for us *si pek ho mia* =)
The photo below was taken before steamboat. Sorry la, my photos all jumble up forget to do numbering ma -.-"... I took a nap so that I can stay up all night long to celebrate CNY but I ended up going to bed by 12am *mangkuk*
2nd round "reunion", our attempt to finish what's remaining on the table and fridge fails miserably T___T
Fast foward lagi, we "lou sang"... I mean this is "yee sang" and we were suppose to "lou' it... means toss it la~ It's a Chinese tradition, the higher you toss, the better your luck and prosperity will come for the year! Got this mini yee sang from Sushi King, don't ask me why got honey star there.. maybe it was meant to symbolise "bo bo gou seng" (translated: every step high-high) Seng: rise/star.
Next day, 1st day of CNY, I woke up at 8am to watch TV wtf
Got this Little Planet 2 character seat mat from my brother.
Volunteered at PBA. Something I enjoy doing each and every year :)
It was so-lan-hot I sweat the minute I stepped in the temple till I was off duty at 6pm -.-"...
Lotus candles.. they look like egg tarts hahahhahaha~
I'll end this post with an ang pow from an uncle.
Okay, bed time now. Day 2, gambatte!!! wtf
where is the ang pao from my mom LoL
yarla mangkuk betul 12am sleep d
Inside my drawer ;p If I didn't sleep, I might go out "3D" wor... xD
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