Tuesday, June 01, 2010

More of Joy

Photos which I think deserve due credits for a post itself =)

Meanwhile, I've came up with few blog title images as well using Picasa 3; the current one doesn't seem right to me anymore *picky*

Choice # 1

Choice # 2

Choice # 3

Choice # 4

Choice # 5

Choice # 6

I'm particularly clueless when it comes to design things like this. My creative juices have long dried up. I shall pick choice # 2 for the time being until I manage to come out with something better.

As the classic saying goes, Stay tuned! ^^


Unknown said...

gambateh on using tht software, u can do it de.

DoriftoNeko said...

*yawn... u have to do better sayang

p.u.t.e.r.i j.o.y.l.i.m said...

Khoo: yes, I know I can! :)
Dorifto: I try =)

p.u.t.e.r.i j.o.y.l.i.m said...

Dorifto: And sorry if I fail you,my back tends to ache when I sit for long. Nevertheless, I'll try again =)