Monday, January 18, 2010

Hello You People!

I know I'm myself when I'm with you!

This is me with my new blog again ): The previous one was sort of like 'corrupted' again. This one, I hope shall be/will be/should be/must be the last because I'm tired of going through the never ending steps and steps and more steps of setting up a blog page.

I AM long winded. So bear with me if you want to continue reading since this is MY blog and you click on MY blog wtf I'm cocky like that wtf

Where should I start? The first post is always the hardest part, you have to write something witty enough and eye catching if not intellectual  enough to attract people to read. Since, I'm not in possession of any of the characteristics mention above, I shall start with a L.A.M.E post.

Yes, you hear it right. L.a.m.E  

And it means introducing myself all over again from my birth name to the size of yours truly shoe.

Yours truly birth name is LiM CheN LiN. An addition to the common name is JoY. Hence, it becomes Joy + LiM CheN LiN = JoY LiM CheN LiN. Do I make myself clear? Need me to repeat? 24.5 this year, standing at 1.525 metre and 42kg at the moment cause it fluctuates from time to time. Favorite color: all. Favorite number: 1 Now this is getting from lame to stupid! Stays at Black Water Town and loves su xi wtf

Yours truly is the eldest in the family of 3 musketeers; not to forget papa musketeer and mama musketeer. She has a loving family *terima kasih Allah* and graduated from University Masyarakat 2 years ago with Honors in Business Administration. What else I miss... aahh shoe size ;) Well, it ranges from 3,4 to a max of 5 depending on label but since she's cheapskate and poor Vincci is her best alternative +.+

I should stop humiliating yours truly. 

Signing off...

Signed off..



DoriftoNeko said...

gratz on your new blog babe. Hope this 1 would not give u any problems d. Stupid blogger so much problems haha... anyway i'm here to support u always

JoY LiM CheN LiN said...

Thanks my friend thanks :D