Sunday, July 31, 2011


I miss having my long grass hair to play with T___T Although sometimes the length really get on my nerves, especially when the weather is humid, I still miss twirling it, tying it up or just let it flow with the wind.

According to Bryan (a.k.a brother), keeping my hair long makes me appear relatively older than my age. And messy at times. I agree with that because I do realise that my hair seems "drier" on days when I don't style it.

Hence, I took the bold move to drive to a new saloon. Yea, to put my crown to someone "new" is very daring already ok! Anyway, to cut the long story short, the stylist ignored my ideas of my perfect crown and went with her way instead. Menyampah betul kan when people tend to brush off your opinion padahal you're the one paying her to do the job! Well, don't get me wrong, I totally respect her professional view but I'm the one living with my hair ok so let me have whatever pattern I want lar, faham tak?! Ish!!!

Paid some big bucks and came home with almost a hairless head T____T

Make me feels like some budak sekolah...the one belasan tahun one..... T__T And gao gao layered so from far macam pakai topi keledar fml

Even if I put everything to one side, I still feel less "feminine". Feminisme is very subjective I know that and to me, the hair usually defines everything.

Anyway, someone said I should be contented because...............

I have thicker and longer hair compare to the picture on the right. Plus, I don't have to cover it with a pot on my head *positive thinker*

And I definitely beat this guy hands down :)

Happy weekend!~ And to all my Malay friends, Selamat Berpuasa! ^o^

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