Before you read on, let me remind you that this post is fill with syiok sendiri pictures, in toilet (wherelse =.="...), and the same rumput hair =)

Rumput # 1

Rumput # 2
Sorry as I hv to "wai wat" u guys to see my without make up face and tak basuh punya hair cuz i woke up at 8.30am all thanks to Victor's sms from Melbourne. If not, I think I'll sleep all the way till lunch time;) Talking about rumput, he's also the only guy who treats my rumput like roses.

Rumput # 3

Rumput # 4

Rumput # 5

Mr Chum gave me this kura-kura =.=" ...

Wa mak cook eh Japanese tofu =)
p/s: I stil havent talk to my mum.The cold war hasnt ended ;p
Joy 0 x 0